In the fast-paced and highly competitive world of Amazon selling, it’s no secret that standing out from the crowd can be challenging. Many sellers focus intensely on optimizing product listings, perfecting keywords, and managing advertising campaigns like pay-per-click (PPC). However, one often overlooked yet highly effective marketing tool that can boost both customer satisfaction and sales is the packaging insert.

Packaging inserts are small cards or leaflets placed inside the package of a product shipment, and they hold great potential for directly communicating with customers. These inserts can build brand loyalty, encourage repeat business, and even drive reviews, which are crucial for your ranking on Amazon.

What is a Packaging Insert?

A packaging insert is any form of printed promotional material included with your product when it ships to a customer. It can be as simple as a thank-you card, or more elaborate, like a multi-page booklet that provides product care instructions, or introduces customers to your brand story. Inserts are a strategic way to interact directly with customers, even though the sale was made via Amazon.

Common types of packaging inserts include:

  • Thank-you cards: A simple message expressing gratitude for the purchase.
  • Instruction manuals or guides: Tips on how to use the product, troubleshoot common issues, or care for the item.
  • Discount codes or coupons: Offering customers an incentive for future purchases.
  • Brand stories or company introductions: Sharing your company’s mission, values, or unique selling points to create a personal connection.
  • Calls-to-action (CTAs): Encouraging customers to leave a review, follow your brand on social media, or sign up for email subscriptions.

The goal of these inserts is to add value to the customer’s purchase, improve their overall experience, and build a stronger relationship that can extend beyond the initial sale. When used correctly, packaging inserts can become a powerful marketing tool that enhances the customer journey and strengthens brand loyalty.

Why Packaging Inserts Matter for Amazon Sellers

While packaging inserts may seem like a minor detail, they can have a significant impact on your success as an Amazon seller. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why including inserts in your shipments can be a game-changer for your business:

1. Customer Engagement

In the Amazon marketplace, building customer loyalty is notoriously difficult. Amazon controls most aspects of the transaction, including customer communications. However, packaging inserts allow you to communicate directly with customers, helping you personalize their experience.

For example, a simple thank-you card can leave a lasting impression, showing that you appreciate their business. A well-designed insert might encourage customers to visit your website or explore your product range, creating opportunities for more engagement. Personal touches like these can help foster a positive connection between your brand and the customer, making them more likely to return.

2. Encouraging Repeat Business

For any business, repeat customers are more valuable than one-time buyers. Packaging inserts can be used as an effective tool to encourage repeat purchases. By offering a discount code or a special promotion for their next order, you’re providing customers with a compelling reason to come back to your brand rather than going to a competitor.

For example, including a 10% discount code for their next purchase not only incentivizes them to buy from you again, but it also creates brand loyalty. A well-placed insert that offers a future reward is an easy way to boost customer retention.

3. Requesting Reviews

On Amazon, customer reviews play a crucial role in how your product ranks and how potential customers perceive your brand. While Amazon handles customer communication for the most part, packaging inserts offer a discreet yet effective way to request reviews. This can significantly improve your product’s visibility.

However, it's essential to adhere to Amazon’s guidelines. Sellers can ask for reviews, but they must be neutral and non-manipulative. For instance, you can say, “We’d love to hear your feedback! Please take a moment to leave a review if you’re satisfied with your purchase.” Avoid offering incentives for positive reviews, as this can result in penalties from Amazon.

4. Upselling and Cross-Selling

Inserts can also be used to promote related products. If a customer buys a kitchen appliance, for instance, you could include a coupon for complementary kitchen tools, or offer an upgrade to a premium product in your catalog. This tactic, known as cross-selling or upselling, can help increase the average order value and introduce customers to other products they may not have initially considered.

Amazon’s policies do allow for cross-selling, but the product being promoted must also be available on Amazon.

5. Boosting Brand Recognition

In a marketplace like Amazon, it can be difficult for individual sellers to stand out. Branding is key to long-term success. Packaging inserts provide an opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and story. For instance, you could include a small card detailing how your company was founded, your mission, or a unique story that sets you apart from competitors.

Brand storytelling through inserts helps to humanize your business and makes customers feel more connected. Whether it’s sharing your commitment to sustainability or including a personal message from the company founder, these touches add value and help build brand loyalty.

6. Offering Better Customer Support

Customers may occasionally need help or guidance in using a product, and a well-placed packaging insert can provide the support they need. Including customer support information—such as a link to instructional videos, a QR code leading to troubleshooting tips, or your customer service email—can reduce the likelihood of returns or negative reviews.

By proactively offering support, you show customers that you care about their experience with your product, which can significantly increase their satisfaction.

Using Building Landing Pages That Convert from Packaging Inserts

One effective way to maximize the potential of your packaging inserts is by directing customers to a dedicated landing page. This allows you to engage with them beyond Amazon and start building a direct relationship with your audience. With tools like, you can create highly customized, conversion-optimized landing pages that capture customer information and promote brand loyalty. simplifies the process of designing landing pages that are tailored to your brand and messaging. By including a clear call-to-action (CTA) on your packaging inserts, such as a link to a landing page offering exclusive discounts, product tutorials, or access to a loyalty program, you can encourage customers to visit your site. Once there, you can collect valuable data, such as email addresses or feedback, which can be used to further personalize your marketing efforts.

Landing pages created with are designed to be both aesthetically appealing and functional, with high-quality templates and drag-and-drop features that make it easy to build professional pages. These landing pages help to create a seamless customer experience that moves them from product purchase to brand engagement, ultimately boosting your chances of repeat business.

Amazon’s Policy on Packaging Inserts

While packaging inserts offer many benefits, sellers must be mindful of Amazon’s strict policies regarding their use. Amazon has zero tolerance for attempts to manipulate reviews or divert customers away from their platform. Here are some critical points to remember:

1. No Diverting Sales Away from Amazon

You are not allowed to use packaging inserts to encourage customers to buy directly from your website or any platform other than Amazon. Directing customers to your website for future purchases is seen as diverting sales away from Amazon, which is strictly prohibited and can result in penalties or account suspension.

2. No Manipulation of Reviews

Amazon is serious about preventing fake or manipulated reviews. Sellers are not allowed to incentivize positive reviews or offer rewards in exchange for feedback. You can, however, politely ask for a review, but the language must be neutral, and you cannot promise discounts or gifts in exchange for positive comments.

3. No Promotion of Non-Amazon Products

Inserts cannot be used to promote products that are not listed on Amazon. You can cross-sell related products, but only if they are available for purchase on the platform.

Staying compliant with these policies is crucial. Violating Amazon’s packaging insert guidelines can result in penalties that could severely affect your business. Always ensure that your inserts follow Amazon's rules to avoid any issues.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Packaging Inserts

Creating a successful packaging insert involves more than simply adhering to Amazon’s policies. It also requires thoughtful design and careful consideration of your customer’s needs. Here are some best practices to follow:

1. Keep It Simple and Focused

Your packaging insert should have a single, clear message. Whether you’re requesting a review, offering a discount, or providing customer support, avoid cluttering the insert with too much information. A focused, easy-to-understand insert will have a greater impact than one that tries to do too much.

2. Use High-Quality Design

First impressions matter, and your insert is a reflection of your brand. Investing in high-quality design and printing will create a more professional, polished appearance, which can positively influence how customers perceive your business. A well-designed insert adds value to the unboxing experience, while a low-quality one may detract from it.

3. Make It Personal

Personal touches can go a long way in building customer loyalty. Even if it’s not handwritten, a thank-you card that looks like it was personally crafted will make your customer feel valued. Consider using script fonts or incorporating a message from the founder to give it that extra personal touch.

4. Include a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Whatever the goal of your packaging insert—whether it’s to request a review, direct customers to your social media pages, or offer a discount—the call-to-action should be clear and easy to follow. Customers shouldn’t have to guess what you’re asking them to do.

5. Provide Value

Your insert should offer something of value to the customer. Whether it’s tips for using the product, exclusive discounts, or helpful customer support information, the insert should enhance the customer’s experience and make them feel like they received something extra.

6. Ensure Brand Consistency

Your packaging insert should be consistent with your overall branding. Use your brand colors, fonts, and tone of voice to reinforce your company’s identity. This helps customers recognize and remember your brand, increasing the likelihood that they’ll return for future purchases.

Examples of Effective Packaging Inserts

Here are a few examples of successful packaging inserts that can inspire your own:

  • Thank-You Cards: A simple thank-you message expressing appreciation for the purchase can leave a positive impression.
  • Discount Codes: “Thank you for your purchase! Use the code SAVE10 for 10% off your next order on Amazon.”
  • Customer Support: “If you have any issues with your product, we’re here to help! Visit [] or scan this QR code for troubleshooting tips.”


By following Amazon’s guidelines and focusing on delivering value to your customers, you can use packaging inserts to not only strengthen your relationship with buyers but also drive sales and improve your overall Amazon performance.

Start small, experiment with different types of inserts, and always prioritize the customer experience. Over time, you’ll see the positive impact that packaging inserts can have on your Amazon business.

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