100% FREE (Refund) - Amazon Giveaway!

Go Check Your Inbox Now! We Have Sent You The Details Private Email

If you don't see it within 10 minutes, check your spam folder it might be hiding there.

We have provided all the details in the email that we just sent you including the link to the Amazon product, how to get it 100% for free (no catch, honest!), and even my personal email and cell phone number to use if you have any questions.

One favor...Please go check your inbox NOW. We have to strictly limit this 100% free Amazon offer, and I don't want you to be disappointed if we are sold out.

- Your Company Name.

Amazon Giveaway Ends Soon!

Timer has expired!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you giving your products away for free?
We hoping you’ll share the product with your friends and family on Facebook and word of mouth. When your friends ask where you found that cute chef outfit, tell them to search for Dapper&Doll Aprons on Amazon.
Do I need to register to be eligible for the rebate?
Yes. We’re a small company with limited resources and we can only give away 100 sets.  We don’t want anyone to be disappointed so you must register to get the rebate information. If we were to post the information on Facebook or the Internet we would get too many orders.
How long does it take to get my money back?
Great question. Most other companies take at least 30 days to issue rebates back to their customers. We get you 100% of your money back within 48 hours via paypal, which is a huge reason why customers absolutely love our promotions!
How can I be sure this is safe?
We totally get it… It can be hard shelling out your hard earned money to buy a product at full price, with the expectation that you will get your money back. Trust that we’re an honest family-run business! If we scammed people, we’d have been out of business a long time ago 🙂 Not to mention… the sale occurs on Amazon.com (the worlds most trusted platform)
Is leaving a 5-star review on Amazon required?
Absolutely not. Leaving a review is not required in exchange for participating in this rebate promotion. Amazon’s terms of service is strictly against that. That being said… you are certainly free to leave a review if you love the product, and would enjoy doing so.
What’s the catch?
As stated previously… All we ask in return for you getting a free product is that you share a photo of your child wearing the apron set on Facebook. The reason we’re offering this insane 100% off promotion is to spread the word and generate “social buzz” for our products.
Can I get more than one?
No sorry. We limit 1 rebate per customer, as to get this in as many hands as possible with the very limited amount of inventory we have to work with. It’s very important that you take advantage ASAP to ensure you get one.  

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Where should we send the 100% rebate information?

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.


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